Refusing To Concede, Kanye Demands Full Recount Of All 145 Million Votes

Refusing To Concede, Kanye Demands Recount Of All 145 Million Votes
Refusing To Concede, Kanye Demands Recount Of All 145 Million Votes | Image: Kanye West/Instagram

NEW YORK, NY—Kanye West has this morning refused to concede the 2020 U.S. presidential election, instead demanding a full and thorough recount of “every single vote”.

Pledging to his supporter that he would “fight until the bitter end”, West demands that he, his wife and family be allowed to personally hand count each of the 145 million votes, insisting a new President cannot be confirmed until they have done so.

“This election is fixed and everyone knows it. I won this election with 100% of the votes yet these two other dudes think they won,” Kanye posted on Instagram. ( “This is the greatest voting fix since the 2009 MTV Awards.”

West, who earlier today changed his Twitter handle to ‘President-elect Yeezy’, takes the number of canditates who now believe they are the only legitimate president of the United States, to three.

In the Instagram post, Kanye tagged several close friends and family members including Kim, Khloe, Caitlin, Kris, Beyonce and Jay-Z, asking which of them knows how to count up to 145 million.

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