CITIZENSHIP and Immigration Canada is still unsure as to what caused their website to mysteriously suffer repeated outages during Tuesday night. “We are working hard to investigate the cause of this crash,” an official tweet read.
Traffic to the “How to immigrate to Canada” section of the site has increased steadily in the last 18 months, but rose sharply on Tuesday night, seemingly triggered “by some event”, CIC staff speculate.
“Hits to our website rose just over 400,000% on Tuesday evening, which is a little higher than your average Tuesday,” a CIC spokesman told the BSJ. “We’ll look into it and get back to you.”
The CIC stressed that while their website is now online and “fully functioning”, applications for visas are now subject to an approximate 700-year wait.
“There may be a slight delay in processing new applications,” one staff member admitted. “Yesterday alone, one country filed over 150 million applications, including 4 former presidents and 1 current president.”
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